Art of Yes
Erin Moonsister
A Cycle Of The Moon
Poetry by Erin Moonsister
$17 (CAD)
includes shipping
Send e-transfer or paypal payment to erinmoonsister (at) (please include your email for confirming order details, and address if you require shipping/delivery)
Erin Moonsister is a shamanic artist, who follows the cycles of nature to gain direct experiential knowledge. She leads moon circles, reads tarot cards, studies nonviolent communication, and posts poetry, photography and video series’ on social media. Before moving to Gabriola Island, on unceded Snuneymuxw territory, to raise her son amongst trees and beaches, she did things like study poetry in university (in Surrey, Victoria, Nanaimo and Montreal), teach English in Korea, host an indie-rock radio show, run a micro-record-label, and sing in a band.
In the summer of 2020, at home with her son, she followed a cycle of the moon, typing a poem on her typewriter for each day. These poems have been assembled into a handmade book called A Cycle Of The Moon.